001- Introducing Ourselves

001- Introducing Ourselves

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Meghan 0:16

I'm Collin. And I'm Meghan. And

Collin 0:18

this is pet sitter confessional, an open and honest discussion about life as a pet sitter. On this episode, we're going to introduce ourselves and talk to you about why we're doing this.

Meghan 0:32

So Im Meghan, I am the wife to Collin. I am a mom of two kids ages two and four, and I am a pet sitter.

Collin 0:41

I'm Collin, I'm a biologist, and I'm a pet sitter. So why are we pet sitters?

Meghan 0:47

Well, it started in July of 2012. It was shortly after we got married. We took a Dave Ramsey class. And we were through that class. We were looking through ways for ways to and invest a little bit of extra money.

Collin 1:02

So how did we, so you you were the one who came up with doc sitting. My idea of starting an aquarium cleaning and building business went nowhere. None that's okay not not that I'm better, but that's fine. So did you just Google or did you know somebody or how that how'd you come up with that great idea?

Meghan 1:22

Yeah. So I basically just googled it. I looked on Craigslist, I saw a Craigslist ad for if somebody needed a pet sitter, and I thought, Okay, well, this is a different and unique way that we could earn money.

Collin 1:38

So after seven years, we've seen quite a bit of stuff and had a lot of different experiences.

Meghan 1:44

Yeah, we've had busy seasons, especially around the holidays, Christmas and Thanksgiving. We've also seen slower seasons. You know, at the end of summer when kids are starting to go back to school. We also transitioned out of pet city in for a couple years while we had our

Collin 2:01

Moved markets a couple times we had two moves over the course of that

Meghan 2:05

endeavor in different states,

Collin 2:06

and different cities and

Meghan 2:08

small cities and big cities.

Collin 2:10

Yeah. And so we've had to rebuild.

Meghan 2:13

Why are we doing this podcast,

Collin 2:15

we really want to use this show. And these next several episodes, to really talk about those experiences, kind of what we've learned, things that we would do, again, things that we would do differently. Some of those, we want to start talking about why someone would want to start pet sitting, move into some of the business aspects of it as far as managing the chaos as far as communicating, even what everybody enjoys talking about taxes, and finding out what the market is like, where you are some of the nitty gritty stuff to how to determine if you want to what services you want to provide and how to add value to those services. A lot of stuff that we're going to cover is going to be particularly focused on dogs and cats things, how that's where most of our experience lies. But some of these concepts can be broadened out to even reptiles and horses and whatever people want you to pet set for, we are really interested in helping others get started and help the put them in a really good position. We started off at knowing absolutely nothing about this business, absolutely nothing about the ins and out of this process. We feel like something like this would be really valuable, it would have been valuable to us to have this kind of resource out there. And so we want to give some of our knowledge. More importantly, beyond that, we want to have a discussion with the pet sitting community at large about this business, about their experiences, about the resources that they have in mind and learn from them as well because nothing is ever the same no matter how many clients, no matter, no matter how many pets that you said, it's always going to be a little bit different. So we want to start that conversation and get great feedback from you guys that we're really looking forward to hearing stories and experiences.

Meghan 4:17

That's not to say that we're experts by

Collin 4:18

any means. Absolutely not.

Meghan 4:22

While we have many, many breeds and had hundreds of clients and been been

Collin 4:29

very fortunate to have all of those experiences, but each one has been a learning process for us, and we're still learning, as we experience new clients, we have all sorts of stuff that comes up. And that's something that we want to hear back from everyone else as well, is what that process has been like for them and open, open this up to questions and answers from not just us but from from the community at large.

Meghan 4:58

So we hope you join us. Thanks

Keywords: Meghan, Collin, pet sitter, sitter, experiences, pet, talk, started, cities, business, clients, seasons, resource, services, craigslist ad, discussion, Dave Ramsey, aquarium

002- Getting Started

002- Getting Started