
I’m reading through A Farewell to Arms for the first time, and it’s a jarring and tough read at times, given the subject matter. Hemingway doesn’t hold back on the brutality of war, the fragility of love, or the deep loneliness that comes with both. But in the midst of it all, there’s a very poignant moment where the protagonist, Frederic Henry, reflects on the way life inevitably breaks people.

Night Owls

Ever find yourself staring at the clock, watching it hit midnight, and thinking, "Well, just one more email"? If you're nodding along, welcome to the club – the after-hours entrepreneurs club, that is.

Up to date

I had the weird experience of walking into a Best Buy recently. The last time I was physically in a Best Buy was back in 2013 when we needed to buy a TV. Over a decade later, I wandered in again.