All tagged confidence

151: Working with Family with Dominic Hodgson

Working with a family member is something many of us have done, either formally or informally. It’s a great way to get help in times of need, but how do you make the most out of it and preserve your relationship? Dominic Hodgson, The Pet Biz Wiz, joins us to share his experience working alongside his wife and son. From having good processes to treating them the same as other employees, it can be tough at times and is a great opportunity for some.

105- Marissa LeJune from Tail Swaggers

Marissa LeJune, owner of Tail Swaggers, joins the podcast! Marissa shares what her first three years in business have been like, the important role a coach played in her life, and what it’s like running her business with the help of her daughter.

096- Learning to say 'YES'

We covered saying ‘no’ and setting clear boundaries, but what about saying ‘yes’? Today, we break down every facet of saying ‘yes’. From overcoming the fear of the unknown, to the right reasons to say ‘yes’, we share some of our learned experiences. Natasha O’Banion joins the show to answer “How do you keep you and your staff organized?”