All tagged facebook

463: Networking for Success with Angela Reinbacher

What does it mean to surround yourself with people who can help make you better? How do we go about being vulnerable enough to admit we need that help? As a business owner, personal improvement and a supportive network are key to longevity! Angela Reinbacher, owner of Wild Paws, shares how she is making networking work for her. Angela also talks about how she is approaching marketing with video to attract her clientele, while also managing the growth in a healthy and sustainable way.

455: Effective Use of Google Ads with Maris Sonnabend

How do you use Google ads effectively? Running an effective Google ad campaign takes more than just clicking a few buttons. It requires focus, trial and error, and a willingness to lean heavily into your brand. Maris Sonnabend, owner of House of Paws Pet Care, shares her experience of embracing a branding that isn’t for her but has enabled her to target a specific avatar. She walks through the importance of focusing on one guiding principle to keep everything you do focused and intentional. Maris also discusses her philosophy of testing to determine what will and will not work in her business.

448: When Word-of-Mouth Isn’t Enough: 20 Ideas to Market Your Business

How is word of mouth marketing working for you? If you’re like many people right now, you’re finding that word of mouth is not quite enough to keep your business growing or maintaining the level you need. Today, we break down 20 marketing ideas to try if you’ve never had to market before. If it’s all a little intimidating, we also discuss 5 things to focus on to get started.

188: How to Make Social Media Work for You

How are you using social media? Meghan breaks down some of the key aspects for making sure your social media is working for you. From having realistic expectations, to setting manageable content strategy, using social media for your business does not have to be overwhelming. As with everything, there is a balance to be had, and understanding why you’re using social media is the first step. It’s not all about the follower count, it’s about having engaged loyal clients and followers. We also share how to balance content across the major platforms, and how to leverage local Facebook groups to your advantage. Natasha O’Banion answers the question on how to less awkward at the meet and greet.

181: Facebook Changes and Separation Anxiety

iOS 14.5 was released and is already having an impact on targeted ad campaigns in places like Facebook and Instagram. As small business owners, many of us have relied on these powerful targeted ads to get in front of potential clients. We share some simple things to do in response to these new changes. We also discuss a new bug in Google My Business listings that impacted our business, and how it was corrected. We finish off the episode by discussing how the pet care industry can respond to the rapid increase of separation anxiety in pets (and their owners)!

131: Privacy in Online Marketing

Modern technology and social media have made marketing as easy as a click of a button, but that sometimes comes with a price. We discuss privacy in online marketing, what to consider before buying targeted ads, and what it means for small businesses in a hyper connected world. Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I make the most out of first mover advantage in my area?”

102- Staying Content

This episode is about being content and knowing why we do what we do. In business, we can get pushed by outside influences to do things we may not want to. Staying grounded and aligned with our business mission and purpose takes practice, but will help us feel content in our business and personal life. Natasha answers, “How do I refresh my business?”