All tagged ideas

462: Give Yourself Permission

Have you ever been frustrated by one more thing being added to your plate? There come times when our personal life impacts our ability to run our business and show up at our best. Whether it’s a personal loss, a new venture opportunity, or even moving to a new home, the pressure to continue to perform increases beyond our capacity sometimes. It’s in these moments where we have to carve out space we need to take that pressure off so we can focus on the right priorities.

410: Finding Creative Flow

How do you stay creative? As a busy business owner, our ability to be and stay creative is critical to the longevity of our business. Unfortunately, we often find ourselves unable to reach creative flow and end up sticking to the same old same old. We break out ways in which creativity is essential to your business (it’s WAY more than social media posts). We also share the common reasons we find it difficult to be creative and 3 strategies you can use to start overcoming them today.

377: Keeping a Business Owner Mindset with Maria Teran

Where do you go for new ideas and adapt to changing business landscapes? The ability to create and seek out new ways of thinking is a super power. As a business owner, it’s critical to staying successful and relevant to your clients. Maria Teran, owner of Chicawoof Dog Walking and Field Days, joins us for a conversation centered around how to seek out feedback and then make necessary changes. Maria walks through her two powerful tools for getting feedback, and why you have to leave emotion out of it. She also shares what it means to stay creative as a business owner and the importance of continually exposing ourselves to novel ideas. Throughout the process of changing and adapting, Maria stresses how to stay connected with your mission so you stay true to yourself.

308: Why You Need More Editing in Your Life

What does it mean to live a well edited life? Why is it so important in your business? Editing comes in three main categories; time, ideas, and projects. As business owners, we’re constantly creating and adding things to our plate. We discuss how to step back and begin making edits to the things we make, the ideas we have, and our calendars, so we have more of what we actually want. Natasha O’Banion answers the question, “How do I be more productive?”

221: Leveraging Your Business Community

Are you connected with the broader business community in your area? We had a great opportunity recently to introduce our business to other business owners. On this episode, we share why these networking events are important and the role they play in raising the awareness of the pet care industry. They also help us to feel more legitimate as business owners. We discuss the benefits that come from being connected to other businesses, and how to prepare for the networking opportunities. Then, Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I view myself as more legitimate?”

117: Telling Your Story

What does telling your story mean? We hear it all the time, but how to do you actually do that and what does it look like? In this episode we talk about why your story is so important and how it connects with your clients. Natasha O'Banion answers, "How do I set myself apart?"