All tagged brain

478: Fighting Mental Fatigue

Where does mental fatigue come from, and how does it impact us? While a large portion of the fatigue is brought on through external influences, a not insignificant amount stems from our own actions. From failing to adhere to policies to taking on too much, we often burden ourselves more than others do. Today, we will break down why pet sitters deal with so much mental fatigue, its sources, and some simple steps to start taking to combat it.

466: The Myth of Multitasking

Do you consider yourself a multitasker? Contrary to popular belief, multitasking does not make us more productive. In fact, what we are capable of doing is not even considered true multitasking. Task switching, as it is known, is the process where our brain switches from one thing to another in rapid succession. While it may feel like we are getting more done, there are several drawbacks to this method of working. We walk through common misconceptions and the modern research on what multitasking actually does to us. We give several tactics you can use to break the habit of attempting to multitask to keep you productive and focused on the things that really matter.

418: Putting in Hard Work

How does continually taking shortcuts in your business hurt you in the long run? While it may seem like a good idea to go after “tips and tricks” or “hacks” to overcome obstacles, you end up cheating yourself out of learning opportunities and confidence building. We break down several elements as to why tackling hard things is good for you, and how to know the difference between a hard task and a hardship in your life. 

404: Communicating in Stressful Situations

How do you handle stressful situations? From acute to chronic, we encounter all sorts of situations in running our business. As a business owner, we’re obligated to not just take care of stressful situations and emergencies, but also communicate and help others through it as well. We break down how to cope with stress in the moment. We give several strategies for effective communication and also how to plan for after the emergency is taken care of.

395: Roundtable: Self-Care

Are you prioritizing self-care? As a business owner, we are often the last to get cared for. The fact is, your business will suffer if you’re not taking care of yourself. Michelle Kline (DogCo Launch), Doug Keeling (Bad to the Bone Pet Care), and Dan Reitman (Dan’s Pet Care) share their journeys and struggles to learn what self-care means to them. Your health, and the health of your business, depend on you operating at your best. To do this, the roundtable encourages us to not numb the struggles and instead seek professional help and healthier ways of dealing with stress. They also walk through what “work-life” balance actually is and how to find your priorities.

383: Setting Your Mindset and Doing Hard Things with Colleen Sedgwick

What does it mean to do mindset work? As a business owner, we encounter so many trials and tough situations. Having the right mindset doesn’t just help us when times are tough, it helps us take advantage of when times are good. Colleen Sedgwick, The Pet Nanny Coach, joins us to share how she approaches mindset work, and the importance of being intentional with what we focus on. Instead of mental toughness, Colleen shares the idea of how surrendering leads to more flexibility and resiliency. She encourages us to tackle hard things so we can grow personally, but cautions against pursuing anything that feels like suffering.

376: Task Management for the Pet Professional

Do you feel like there’s too many things to get done in a day? Running a business means there is never a shortage of tasks demanding our time and attention. As pet professionals, our schedules are even more hectic, making managing tasks all that much more difficult. We break down the Getting Things Done system and how to apply it to your business. From capturing everything to regular reviews, once you get a system in place, your mind is freed up to do what it does best: create.

345: Staying Kind to Yourself with Colleen Pelar


Is it ever ok to judge yourself? When we become aware of our weaknesses, we’re better able to understand where we need help, and strengthen ourselves over time. As pet care providers, we often find ourselves questioning if we’re on the right path in life. Colleen Pelar shares why it’s important to judge yourself while staying kind to yourself. She also walks us through how to properly grieve the loss of a dream or vision we had for our life, so we can embrace what we do have.

326: Mental Preparedness

Why is dog walking and pet sitting such a mental burden? It’s not just the worry of meeting a client's expectations or concerns about missing a visit. We break down how the pet care industry is the perfect storm of task switching, multi-tasking, and distractions. Becoming more mentally prepared takes planning and reviewing not just your schedule, but also every visit. Also, standardization of visits and routines (to the extent possible) helps control the environmental impacts of going from client to client.

250: Stop Overcomplicating Marketing with Jane Harrell

Do you ever feel guilty that you should be doing more in your marketing? 📢With as many hats as we wear as business owners, it's common to start feeling like you're not doing enough. In this episode, Jane Harrell, from Working with Dog and Cause Digital Marketing, shared ways we can market efficiently, use time effectively, and learn to forgive ourselves when we don't get everything done.