Who Makes You Better?

Who Makes You Better?

Who do you work with? It's an interesting question. If you have employees, you may list out the walkers you have, the assistant that helps with booking, or the part-time social media guru. If you're solo, you may think about your accountant, or your back-up sitter. In some instances, those are people you work along-side. You work beside them. But who do you work WITH? Who is your partner? Who can you talk to about anything, personal or business?

Who do you go to for advice? Who makes YOU better?

We have been fortunate to be able to work WITH each other over the past 9 years. We each take on various tasks and use our different skills to make it all work. We've come to rely on each other over the years to get things done. Working with someone means you TRUST them to do their end. The great thing about working with someone, is that they don't even have to be involved in your business. This is someone that is your cheerleader and will help bolster you in your times of need.

As we close out another month, take a few minutes to reflect on the people in your life who you work with. Maybe it's the mail carrier you talk to about the business deliveries you get. Or the barista who loves hearing about your crazy dog walking days. Maybe you've never even noticed what they do or how they've helped you. The thing is, we ALL have these kind of people, tucked away in the corners of our social circles. The key is fostering those relationships and building one another up. Remember to thank them the next time you see them. Let them know how much they've helped you and how much they mean to you.

Confidence and Pride

Confidence and Pride

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Client Trust